Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Military Time Chart: A Guide to Understanding 24-Hour Time

The Basics of Military Time

Military time, also known as 24-hour time, is a system of timekeeping used by the military and other organizations that require precise and consistent timekeeping. In this system, the day is divided into 24 hours instead of the standard 12 hours. The hours are numbered from 00 to 23, with midnight being represented by 00 and noon being represented by 12.. More about military time chart

The Advantages of Using Military Time

One of the advantages of using military time is that it eliminates confusion between morning and evening hours. For example, instead of writing 7:30 PM, military time would be written as 19:30. This makes it easier to read and interpret times in situations where accuracy is important.

Military time can also simplify communication between individuals from different regions or countries who may use different conventions for representing time.

How to Read Military Time

Reading military time requires an understanding of how it is represented. The hour is always given first, followed by the minutes. If necessary, seconds can also be included.

To convert from regular (12-hour) time to military (24-hour) time:

  1. If the hour is before noon (12PM), leave it unchanged;
  2. If the hour falls between noon (12PM) and midnight (12AM), add or subtract twelve depending on whether you are trying to represent a later or earlier point in that same day;
  3. Add any necessary leading zeros to complete four digits in total for both hours and minutes; And,
  4. Suffix a "Z" on top-right.

For example:

To convert 8:30 PM to military time:

Step 1: Since the hour (8) is after noon, add twelve to it. This gives us 20.

Step 2: Leave the minutes (30) unchanged.

Step 3: Add a leading zero to the hour (20). The final result is 2030Z.

The Military Time Chart

The following chart can serve as a quick reference for converting between regular and military time, or for simply reading times represented in military format.

Military Time Description of Military Time System Civilian Equivalent / Regular Time System
00:00Z Midnight  12:00 AM
01:00Z  One o'clock in the morning 
 1:00 AM (dt)                          <= dt represents digits.
From midnight (00:00Z) to noon (12:00Z), hours are the same as in regular time but with a " Z" suffix, such as 07:45Z for 7:45 AM
From noon (12:00) to midnight (24:00), add or subtract 12 from the hours, and use a " Z" suffix. For example,  23:30 is equivalent to 11.30 PM. Mon and Tue nights both share hour numbers of  18-11 AM(6-24).


Military time can be confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's an efficient and reliable way to represent time. By understanding how it works and using reference charts like the one above, you'll be able to quickly convert between regular and military time or read times in military format with ease.

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